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Covid-19 Prevention Protocol

Additions to the Office:

- Surplus PPE, including face masks, face shields, disposable gowns, and disinfectant


- Disinfectant and Hand Sanitizer in every operatory as well as front office


- Air filters in and around front office and operatories


- External Oral Suction System, the ProAir Xchange 2000, used to protect our staff from aerosol particles while operating


Additions to the Procedure:

- Maximum of 2 patients in waiting room and operatories


- Incoming patients are required to wait in car upon arrival for our confirmation


- Changes to procedure that reduce direct patient-to-staff contact as much as possible


- Every patient is screened before and during appointment


- Required mask and PPE, if none available, we will supply patients with them


- Operatories are disinfected after every patient rotation


- Staff members required to change scrubs after every patient rotation


- Staff members are tested every two weeks


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